
Hey Guys,

Per our instructions for this week's assignment, i'm going to talk about my impressions and insights about how new media inspires creativity. New Media is an art form, and with every new art form, there are a plethora of ways to express art within that medium. For example, ever since the rise of modern art, we've had a major deviation away from the Picasso and Dali-esque pieces of art into new art forms that are appreciated in different ways such as pink boards against a wile or a pile of dust representing something to someone. That being said, this concept also applies to various internet and digital content. In the article "Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Beloved Characters", the articles describes how despite Disney being notorious to invoke copyright claims and remove illicit content off of YouTube, they allow parodies and mash ups involving their characters to remain on the platform. In their own way, Disney is allowing other people to be creative with their characters so long as those characters aren't being distributed in some sort of wide scale pirating manner. Furthermore, giving access to previously inaccessible allows for new creativity ideas. Imagining Mickey Mouse in some sort of video game along side characters from Final Fantasy and other Disney Characters as a means of connecting many audiences at the same time. Things like that, but that idea already exists (it's called Kingdom Hearts).

What do you think about how Disney handles parodying and mash ups? I think letting people play with characters but not distributing to foster new ideas and growth is a great idea. It allows a new dimension of ideas to be born into the world, at really no ones expense.


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