New Form of Media
Hey Guys, This weeks assignment was to come up with a new form of media and briefly describe it. Personally, I love video games, and increasing exposure to video games and what video game culture has to offer. I was thinking about creating a digital signature for individuals more closer to a social security number in that it is unique, and unlike a digital version of a person's actual signature. What this would mean is that it would create a verifiable way of making sure someone was actually in game or on line, and that signature automatically links to a persons profile and has public information about them. This concept is seen in symmetric key cryptography (for more on that, check out wikipedia or take CIS 3550 with professor wine, super dope class) where someone's unique private key is a way to verify that the parties involved the people they claim they are. There are tons of trolls on the internet and while they're more than welcome to their anonymity, there are tons ...