
Showing posts from November, 2017

New Form of Media

Hey Guys, This weeks assignment was to come up with a new form of media and briefly describe it. Personally, I love video games, and increasing exposure to video games and what video game culture has to offer. I was thinking about creating a digital signature for individuals more closer to a social security number in that it is unique, and unlike a digital version of a person's actual signature. What this would mean is that it would create a verifiable way of making sure someone was actually in game or on line, and that signature automatically links to a persons profile and has public information about them. This concept is seen in symmetric key cryptography (for more on that, check out wikipedia or take CIS 3550 with professor wine, super dope class) where someone's unique private key is a way to verify that the parties involved the people they claim they are. There are tons of trolls on the internet and while they're more than welcome to their anonymity, there are tons ...

Wiki So Far

Self Reflection Time. Hey Guys! What have I added to the class wiki? Honestly, nothing at all. I can own up to this because I'm still very new to editing wiki's and even mustering up the confidence to add pages that relate to concepts I know and that are relevant to the scope of our class and class room discussion. But I do plan to add a lot more content soon (I promise!!). As of right now, I want to greatly expand the section of the wiki dedicated to clouds and cloud computing. Specifically speaking, I want to expand how clouds work and the underlying systems within them (distributed data processing for those who are curious), and expand and further clarify all the differences between the multiple cloud based services that are featured on the page. I also want to add more to the privacy section to the wiki. Privacy is super important to me and so many people around the world, yet so many people don't know of why privacy laws are the way they are, and what they allo...


Hey Guys! Lets talk about P2P, or peer to peer as it stands for. Generally speaking, peer to peer models can be applied to just about anything so long as a product is being provided by a consumer to another consumer. But in the context of new media and technology, peer to peer often refers to using someone else's computer as a server, and using it as a means of getting files and other things like that. It's commonly referred to as file sharing. As the name implies, file sharing is quite literally just that; sharing one file to another client (user). That being said, P2P file sharing presents many problems, specifically in the realms of pirating. Pirated content is content that has been taken and redistributed for profit or without profit. This is especially prevalent in the P2P filespace as there are hundreds of thousands of pirating websites where individuals can acquire music, textbooks, documents, and more for literally no cost. This is such a problem that in the article ...


Hey Guys, Per our instructions for this week's assignment, i'm going to talk about my impressions and insights about how new media inspires creativity. New Media is an art form, and with every new art form, there are a plethora of ways to express art within that medium. For example, ever since the rise of modern art, we've had a major deviation away from the Picasso and Dali-esque pieces of art into new art forms that are appreciated in different ways such as pink boards against a wile or a pile of dust representing something to someone. That being said, this concept also applies to various internet and digital content. In the article "Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Beloved Characters", the articles describes how despite Disney being notorious to invoke copyright claims and remove illicit content off of YouTube, they allow parodies and mash ups involving their characters to remain on the platform. In their own way, Disney is allowing other people to be creativ...